Donate Now! | AARP

Donate Now!

Together, we can fight to strengthen Social Security and Medicare, protect pensions and retirement savings and advocate for the issues that are important for improving the lives of Americans 50+. By donating to AARP today — you can be a part of this movement.

Make your contribution today. Your support will help AARP in our fight to secure the health and financial security that all Americans deserve.

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Your Gift
Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
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Payment Information
By clicking DONATE your credit card will be securely processed.

Prefer to give a gift through the mail? Just click here to download and print a form. You can return it to us at: AARP, PO Box 93162, Lakewood, CA 90809-3143.

Contributions to AARP are not tax deductible for federal tax purposes.