Help Stop PSO's $231 Million Rate Hike, Take Action Today AARP

Help Stop PSO's $231 Million Rate Hike, Take Action Today

I Can’t Afford PSO’s $16 a Month Rate Hike

Here we go again. PSO is asking the Corporation Commission to approve its fifth rate hike request in four years. If approved, this rate hike will cost residential customers an additional increase of at least $16 a month, or over $190 a year. 

Between rate hikes, fuel adjustment charges and Winter Storm Uri, PSO customers’ bills have increased nearly $20 since 2021. Now, PSO is asking the Corporation Commission for another rate hike of at least $16 per month on the backs of hardworking Oklahomans.

We can fight PSO, but we need your help. 

Join AARP Oklahoma and ask Oklahoma’s elected Corporation Commissioners to reject PSO’s $231 million rate hike. The middle portion of the email to the Corporation Commissioners may be edited. Please add your personal story and let our elected Corporation Commissioners know how PSO’s relentless rate hikes are impacting you and your family.


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Dear Commissioner,

Between rate hikes, fuel adjustment charges and Winter Storm Uri, PSO bills have increased nearly $20 since 2021 for customers like me. Now, the utility company is asking the Corporation Commission for another monthly rate hike of at least $16 on the backs of hardworking Oklahomans.

I can’t afford to once again be PSO’s personal piggybank. Please reject PSO’s proposed $231 million rate hike. The 12% rate increase will cost customers at least $16 a month more, or over $190 a year, and Oklahomans can’t afford it.

Those on fixed incomes are already having to make tough choices between food, medicine and utilities because of these relentless rate hikes.

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Commissioner, please help older Oklahomans and say “No” to PSO’s unfair rate hike.


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