Help Stop OG&E's $332.5 Million Rate Hike, Take Action Today AARP

Help Stop OG&E's $332.5 Million Rate Hike, Take Action Today

I Can’t Afford OG&E’s $19 a Month Rate Hike

OG&E is back at the trough again and wants customers to foot the bill for a staggering $19 a month rate hike. OG&E raised rates for residential utility customers $3.34 a month to pay for Winter Storm Uri and followed that up with $2 a month rate hikes in both 2021 and 2022. Apparently, that’s not enough because now, OG&E is back asking the Corporation Commission for more.   

We can fight OG&E, but we need your help. 

Join AARP Oklahoma and ask Oklahoma’s elected Corporation Commissioners to send a clear message and do two things:

1) Reject OG&E’s unfair rate hike that will cost customers $228 a year.
2) Deny OG&E’s request to increase customers’ fixed monthly charge from $13 a month to $21 a month.  

The middle portion of the email to the Corporation Commissioners may be edited. Please add your personal story and let our elected Corporation Commissioners know how OG&E’s out of control rates are impacting you and your family.

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Your Message
Dear Commissioner,

I can’t afford another rate hike from OG&E. These relentless rate hikes already force Oklahomans on fixed incomes to make tough choices between food, medicine and utilities. Someone needs to tell OG&E to stop, and I’m asking for that someone to be you.

• Please reject OG&E’s proposed $332.5 million rate hike. It will cost customers like me $228 a year.
• Please deny OG&E’s request to increase customers’ fixed monthly charge from $13 a month to $21 a month.

You must edit the body of this message before sending.

Now is the time to stand up to OG&E and help older Oklahomans.


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[Your Address]