Tell Your Senator You Can’t Afford HB 4097 AARP

Tell Your Senator You Can’t Afford HB 4097

I Can’t Afford HB 4097 and Relentless Utility Rate Hikes

The utility companies want to raise utility rates again with House Bill 4097, and it’s a rotten deal for utility customers.

Plain and simple, this is another power grab by big utilities that limits competition and will drive utility rates up even higher. The bill would allow companies to build new transmission lines, but upon completion, they would be required to sell those lines to the existing utility, such as OG&E or PSO. House Bill 4097 eliminates competition and incentives to keep costs down, driving up utility rates for everyone.

We can fight HB 4097, but we need your help.

Please ask your State Senator to vote NO on House Bill 4097. The middle portion of the email may be edited so you can add your personal story about how relentless utility rate hikes impact you and your family.  


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Dear Senator,

HB 4097 is a power grab by big utilities. The bill would allow companies to build new transmission lines, but upon completion, they would be required to sell those lines to the existing utility, such as OG&E or PSO. HB 4097 eliminates competition and incentives to keep costs down, driving sky-high utility rates even higher.

Relentless rate hikes from the utilities already force Oklahomans on fixed incomes to make tough choices between food, prescription drugs, and utilities. Now, the utilities are back with HB 4097, and they want more.

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Please vote NO on HB 4097 and help older Oklahomans.


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