One of the largest money grabs in history is happening right now. The investor-owned utilities, fresh off of raising your rates by billions of dollars for decades to come, are now begging Oklahoma’s elected corporation commissioners to raise your rates even more. This is despite the fact they are raking in millions of dollars of profit each year. Thousands of AARP members have made their voices heard, but our corporation commissioners are not getting the message. We must make our voices louder.
AARP Oklahoma is asking for a moratorium on rate increases and asking the commissioners to immediately lower rates to help stave off rising costs. Just look at what Oklahomans are facing with their utility bills:
• OG&E monthly rate increase of $2.07 pending before the Commission
• OG&E securitization recoupment represented to be $2.12 monthly has increased to $3.34 monthly
• OG&E balance of $150 million under-collected fuel costs, which will likely be sought from customers this fall
• PSO securitization recoupment represented to be $4.06 monthly, but actual amount is unknown
• ONG securitization recoupment represented to be $7.82 monthly, but actual amount is unknown
• ONG monthly rate increase of $1.95 monthly pending before the Commission
• ONG monthly rate increase of $0.34 approved December 2021
• Summit/Centerpoint Natural Gas securitization recoupment represented to be $4.36 a month, but actual amount is unknown
• Empire Electric monthly rate increase of nearly 10%
We need your help today. Please take action by letting Oklahoma’s elected corporation commissioners know you refuse to be the piggy bank for our state’s largest utility companies. Tell them: enough is enough.
Consider personalizing your message! In the middle paragraph we share a story about Oklahomans who rely predominantly on Social Security for their income. We encourage you to use this space to share your own personal story on how high utility rates are impacting you.