Florida Nursing Home Residents Need Safe, High-Quality Care

Sign the Petition to Show Your Support
Florida lawmakers can make a positive difference in the lives of nursing home residents during the 2023 legislative session. AARP is urging lawmakers to protect nursing home residents by:
• Enhancing more effective oversight of nursing home care service delivery. Rely less on self-reporting by nursing homes and focus on in-facility inspections and coordinated, but joint, service delivery improvement with teams of regulators, nursing home management and nursing home direct care staff.
• Boosting nursing home quality performance scoring under the Prospective Payment System (PPS) for facilities “enhancement” of licensed CNA, LPN and RN staff.
• Combating often-fatal isolation by connecting residents with their families through virtual visitation regardless of in-person visitation status.
• Holding nursing homes legally accountable for providing residents with quality care.
• Helping address workforce shortages by utilizing short-term and long-term solutions that provide a stable and consistent staff for long-term care facilities.
• Establishing a medical loss ratio for nursing homes that will ensure nursing home facilities are held to a minimum standard for quality care and adequate staffing while allowing for reasonable administrative costs.
• Amending the state Medicaid plan, or submit waiver applications to place home-and-community-based services (HCBS) on par with institutional long-term care. Let the service recipient CHOOSE between facility-based and HCBS services when HCBS services are available and appropriate.