Family caregivers save millions. They deserve our support.
The Hawai`i Senate voted on H.B. 2404 which now goes to the conference committee to work out differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. H.B. 2404 allows more middle-class family caregivers to take a state tax credit for adult dependent care.
Send an email to your state senator to thank them for advancing the bill through the Senate. But let him or her know that the job isn't done. The bill needs to get out of conference committee with an expanded caregiver tax credit and be voted on one more time so it can get to the governor for his signature and become law.
AARP is fighting to bring some financial relief for Hawai'i family caregivers who pay for expenses such as diapers, transportation and adult day care services out of their own pocket.
You can help Hawai`i caregivers, the backbone of our long-term care system.
Fill out the message box below with your own caregiver story or use sample language provided and send an email to your state senator letting them know that you support an expanded caregiver tax credit.
Thank your Senator for supporting H.B. 2404 and that you expect them to finish the job and get the measure passed into law.
Your Senator