Tell Peoples Gas “No to Rate Hikes EVERY TIME!”
Last year, more than 15,000 AARP Illinois activists signed petitions that successfully convinced the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) to reject a Peoples Gas request for additional funds that would have raised gas rates by $142 a year.
Peoples Gas got just a $1.6 million revenue requirement increase, not $7.9 million like they wanted. But Peoples Gas just won't let it go. Now the utility wants to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a pipe replacement program, even after the ICC rejected its outrageous $134 million proposal in 2023.
The ICC is about to vote on Peoples Gas’ proposal, and we’re asking you to raise your voice and sign another petition opposing this outrageous increase. Your voice is strong, heard and makes a difference.
We will show the utility giant that we plan to raise our voices before they raise our rates. Every time.