Every day Americans are struggling to afford their medicine and their basic needs.
For decades, drug companies have been price gouging seniors and millions of Americans without caring how much out-of-control drug prices are hurting families.
Congress has a historic opportunity to make prescription drugs more affordable, yet they’ve failed to act. They aren't listening to the people who put them in office.
Join us for the People’s Hearing, where Americans from across the country struggling with the high cost of their medicines will come together to tell Congress to act now.
It's time for Congress to fix this unfair system. It's outrageous that Americans pay three times more than what people in other countries pay for the same drugs.
Join us on Wednesday, May 18th at 4:00 pm at the People’s Hearing to make your voice heard. Watch live here at 4:00pm ET.
Across the country...
"Having more affordable drug prices would mean I won't have to pay a partial utility bill (gas, electric, water) in order to purchase my blood pressure, thyroid & diabetes meds. We are a fixed income household at age 65+ with a mortgage. It's outrageous what the people in these United States are putting up with AND it's not getting any better for my household and me PERIOD." -Carolyn, Maryland
"Being able to get healthy without having to use money meant for rent or food to pay for medications." - Cedric, Ohio
"Two of my drugs went up over 200%. We need to allow Medicare to negotiate the price of medicines so we have a fair approach to getting the medicines we need to stay healthy." - Don, Iowa
"Lawmakers need to uphold their oath of office and negotiate on behalf of all Americans to lower prescription drug prices. It is necessary for my family to purchase prescription drugs on a case by case basis upon our financial ability. Simply stated, when we have sufficient funds we are able to purchase prescribed prescription drugs, when funds are not available, we don't purchase the prescribed prescription drugs." -Alvin, Tennessee
"750.00 for one spray is very difficult, but necessary to breathe. What can you do? NOW is the time to stop this" -Nicholas, Illinois
"We have to choose every 3 months, groceries or my wife's prescriptions." - Wesley, Washington
"I have osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia and my gel injections cost me $400.00 out of pocket cost. I have sacrificed the pain because I cannot afford the co-pay of $400.00. Please cut the cost of prescription drugs because we are suffering tremendous pain in silence." - Vanessa, Maryland
"90 day prescription cost more than 4 new tires." - Harley, Missouri
"I no longer take the meds. I exhausted all of my 401k savings on expensive required meds until all funds were exhausted." - Gail, Georgia