Level the playing field for utility customers in the state AARP

Level the playing field for utility customers in the state

New York utilities spend millions of dollars per year, collected from consumers’ utility bills, to argue before regulatory bodies for rate increases on those very same consumers. Essentially, consumers are paying their utility companies to propose and defend increases in consumer rates.
Bill S.3034-A (Parker) / A.873-A (Cahill) would establish an intervenor reimbursement process at the New York State Department of Public Service (PSC) so that groups of individuals or not-for-profit organizations that represent residential or small business customers can apply for reimbursement of the cost for reasonable advocate's fees, expert witness fees, and other costs involved in participating in proceedings before the PSC.
The Senate passed this bill, and the Assembly must pass it before running out of time for this year’s legislative session on June 2nd to deliver fairness for utility consumers.
Please urge your State Assemblymember to pass A.873-A (Cahill) to level the playing field by giving residential ratepayers their own meaningful voice in matters that affect the cost and reliability of their utility services.
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