URGENT: Ask Your Legislator to Cosponsor The SAVE Act Before Time Runs Out! AARP

URGENT: Ask Your Legislator to Cosponsor The SAVE Act Before Time Runs Out!

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Increase Access to Affordable Healthcare, Co-Sponsor the SAVE Act

Tell your legislator there’s an easy way to increase access to affordable healthcare in North Carolina, and ask for their support by signing on as a cosponsor of HB 277/S 249 the SAVE Act. HB 277/S 249 improves access to affordable health care, in communities across our state, by cutting through the red tape that prevents nurse practitioners—and other advanced practice registered nurses—from doing their jobs.  

In the midst of the pandemic with the healthcare crisis and physician shortage hitting North Carolina hard, advanced practice registered nurses can help fill the gap, providing quality health care locally for patients throughout the state. Ask your legislators to join this effort by cosponsoring the SAVE act.