Please Urge Your Senator to Support Senior Services! AARP

Please Urge Your Senator to Support Senior Services!

Ask your Senator to include funding for the Area Agencies on Aging!

Ask your Senator to include funding for the Area Agencies on Aging!

The Colorado Senate is about to vote on the Long Bill, our state’s budget. While the Colorado House of Representatives voted to support senior services in the budget, now we need your state Senator to do the same.

We need your help now! Please contact your Senator today and ask them to support the Area Agencies on Aging.

Community services for older adults like respite for caregivers, delivery of nutrition services and transportation for medical appointments make it possible for older Coloradans to live independently in their communities instead of being forced into more costly nursing homes.

Your Senator needs to hear from you today.

Act now to support our seniors and the services they rely on.



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Your Message
Dear Decision Maker,

We need you to continue to be a champion for Colorado's older adults and the programs that provide services to help age in community. Please help us meet this growing demand for aging Coloradans.

Thank you.

[First Name] [Last Name]
[Your Address]