RealTalk: Who Will Care for You and Your Family?
Long-term care services and costs are increasing in California. About half of older adults will need long-term services and supports at some point, but many families find these costs unaffordable.
The average cost of a private room in a nursing home in California is almost $160,000 per year.
Some families are able to pay for private care, which is very expensive. Others who meet income requirements can access long-term care services through state managed programs such as Medi-Cal (Medicaid in California), which covers home health services. However, the vast majority of Californians – sometimes called “the forgotten middle” – have very limited choices and often face financial hardship caring for a loved one.
Yet their voices have gone virtually unheard as costs continue to skyrocket.
We must be ready to DEMAND solutions to make long-term care affordable.