Vote YES to expand the insulin cap
Retail prices for widely used brand name prescription drugs increased substantially faster than general inflation every year from 2006-2020. Between 2019 and 2020, retail prices for 260 brand name prescription drugs widely used by older Americans, including Medicare beneficiaries, increased by an average of 2.9%. In contrast, the general inflation rate was 1.3% over the same period.
The rise in prices often make these life-sustaining medicines potentially unaffordable to many older North Dakotans, who are alreadt paying more for nearly everything today – from groceries to gas to housing.
In 2023, the ND legislature passed a bill that capped the out of pocket costs for insulin and medical supplies at $25 for the Public Employee (PERS) health plan. During the 2025 legislative session, legislators will consider a bill that will expand the $25 cap to the private market, making insulin more afforable and accessible to more North Dakotans.
If you're sick of high drug prices, Let your legislators know!
- Your State Representative and State Senator