Vulnerable Adults Need Protection AARP

Vulnerable Adults Need Protection

Vulnerable Adults Need Protection

Older vulnerable adults receiving assisting living services in low-income housing are being denied critical resident protections including safeguards against retaliation or getting evicted without adequate notice or a plan. Minnesota lawmakers must act now to protect these vulnerable adults. 

Lawmakers must prevent evictions that result in dire consequences like depriving residents of life-saving medication or food, similar to what happened in Bemidji last year when 45 vulnerable adults were left without a home, care, and basic necessities. 

The Minnesota Legislature passed a law in 2019 to regulate assisted living facilities and protect residents from elder abuse. However, facilities receiving federal low-income tax credits or subsidies from the U.S. Department of Housing and Development (HUD) were exempted from complying with these protections, putting residents at risk.

Older adults in these settings are just as vulnerable as those in privately owned facilities. There is no reason to treat residents of HUD and Low-Income Tax Credit (LITC) facilities differently. 

Your State Representative is debating this bill soon. Send them a message today – urge them to protect low-income vulnerable older adults living in HUD and low-income tax credit facilities. 

Older woman sitting on bed holding hands with a younger woman sitting in a chair.
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Your Message
HF 4220/SF 4044 Protect Vulnerable Adults in HUD & Low-Income Housing
Dear Decision Maker,

I am your constituent and urge you to support HF 4220 (Rep. Lee)/SF 4044 (Sen. Hoffman), which would ensure residents in low-income facilities have comparable resident protections as those in licensed Assisted Living facilities including protections against arbitrary discharges and retaliation and that staff are well trained including in dementia care.

In 2019, the Minnesota Legislature passed landmark legislation to license assisted living facilities and provide resident protections in response to horrific cases of elder abuse.

However, facilities subsidized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Development (HUD) or receiving federal low-income tax credits were exempted from compliance with these robust consumer protections, leaving residents in these settings at risk.

Many of these residents are vulnerable with 82% having cognitive disorders. There is no reason to treat residents of HUD and Low-Income Tax Credit (LITC) facilities differently.

I urge you to support this important bill and protect all vulnerable older adults.

Thank you.

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